

David Boreanaz

After David saw the performance of Yul Brynner in "The King and I" at the age of seven, he had a feeling that acting would be in his future. After graduating from Ithaca College he moved to Los Angeles to try his luck in Hollywood. While studying acting, Borneanaz lived the life of a starving actor doing such jobs as parking cars, painting houses and handing out towels at a sports club. Yet, it was while walking his dog in a Hollywood neighborhood that a manager spotted him and instantly signed his as a client. His first big break was a guest shot on Married With Children playing Kelly Bundy's biker boyfriend. He has also appeared in the television movie "Men Don't Lie."

Angel "Angelous"

In BTVS David Boreanaz plays a vampire that came to help buffy. Angel was summened by Darla and then Angel summened Drusilla, not till he had tortured and killed her family infront of her. Angel's sole was restored and after that happened he just wondered the streets living by chasing rats. But then he eventually came to help buffy. He has saved her many times where she would have had trouble staying alive. Angel lost his soul and started killing again. Willow eventually restored his soul right before Buffy killed him and sent him to hell!!!! But he is back now but buffy and him had a bad breakup so expect him to leave again.